Idag kändes det verkligen som sommar!
Snart veckans tv-höjdpunkt - Söndagsparty med Filip och Fredrik!
Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it. -John Lennon
11 kommentarer:
Nils + white wayfarers = cool kid.
oh, also, wonderful Lennon quote you've put up there.
Alex: Haha, it's strange cause I have a pair of dark blue ones but I really want black ones, which I had last year but they broke. So I think I have to buy black ones too. And I would love a pair of red ones. And I'm not interested at all in having another model than Wayfarers haha. But these only cost 59 kr, what ever that is in US dollars. Although I guess it would be kind of strange to have blue, black, white AND red ones :(
Yes it's maniacally wonderful!
Haha, I like how you shop, one in every colour. We're going to get on just fine, you see. And yes, that is my favourite type of sunglasses, Wayfarers. Not strange at all, go to it!
Alex: Good well if you don't think it's strange I won't see it as strange, hehe. I DEFINITELY neeeeeeeeed black ones. I think so at least. I just feel that maybe I shouldn't spend my money on it when I don't really have much money for stuff like this AND I already have two pairs already, haha. Oh well. It adds to my cool-factor!
Now I'm against you buying any more Wayfarers. Sorry, but your cool factor, if it gets any higher you will explode, plus I'll look less cool comparatively and I can't have that.
Alex: HAHA! Oh nooooo! But come on, you have a pair as well right? Or did you find the ones you were looking for? Cause we can all be cool! Jenny has a pair as well so when you meet us I'm afraid you WILL get a slight cool-shock, if both of us wear them so you'd better be prepared!
:O :O :O I have no Wayfarers. I wanted a pair but I haven't found them plus I'm saving all my filthy moneys for Sweden! Perhaps I'll buy a pair there. That'd be awesome! I will faint when I see you, cool glinting right off your sunglasses, then when I'm finally revived with cold water, Jenny will be introduced and I'll just die from the sheer cool factor all in one day.
Alex: This is true. I wouldn't want you to die, therefore I think I will wait until you get your own pair before I introduce you to Jenny. That way you'll be able to deal with the coolness better if you are as cool! This kind of coolness can, as you know, ONLY be achieved through Wayfarers. And red hair, of course. :O Is it so important?, bail murdoch micheal overextra camps misnomer
Hello Linnea, I hope Sunglasses Store Watford is the place where you can get it :) they have a really huge collection of many brands
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